You don’t need cash to access mediation

You can get help with Legal Aid


If you’re stuck in a family conflict and on a low income, or not working, you can still get mediation help.

MESH now takes Legal Aid cases, so you can get the help of an experienced, skilled mediator and all costs will be covered.

In December, we became affiliated with National Family Mediation (NFM). As well as enabling us to offer Legal Aid cases, this is the gold standard in family meditation, so you can be confident that the person you’re working with will be experienced and skilled in helping to break or resolve conflict.

If you’re eligible, this could cover all costs of mediation, helping you avoid court and restore harmony.

At MESH, we help people navigate complex situations and come to an amicable agreement.

We can help if you are separating or getting divorced and need to sort out financial and living arrangements. If you have children, we can help restore or work out child care agreements. If you’re stuck in a painful family situation and can’t see a way out, mediation could help avoid the stress and cost of going to court.

If you’re not eligible for legal aid, you can still get help with the costs of family mediation, with the government-sponsored £500 voucher scheme, which is open to all.

Whatever circumstances you’re in, we can help you find a way through it. Give us a call on 0114 698 10 60 for a chat, in confidence, or email us at

What is legal aid?

Legal Aid is provided by the government. As well as other aspects of legal work, it covers all costs of family mediation, including the initial meeting. It’s means-tested and you may still need to pay some costs, or repay them later.

Am I eligible?

The aid you’re eligible for will depend on the case and your financial circumstances. You will usually need to show that you can’t afford legal help on your own and provide details of your income, benefits, savings and property, and those of your partner.

As a rough guide, you may be eligible if:

  • You receive Income Support, Universal Credit, income based JSA, income-based ESA or Pension Guarantee Credit.

  • Your household income is less than £1,000 per month and you live alone.

  • Your household income is less than £1,400 per month, and you live with a partner and/or dependent children.

  • You are stuck in a family conflict. Legal aid doesn’t cover neighbourhood or work disputes.

What is NFM?

Established in 1982, NFM is the original provider of family mediation and one of the founding members of the Family Mediation Council (FMC), which regulates standards of practice in family mediation.

David Schoon, one of our family mediators, is FMC accredited and qualified to provide family mediation on all issues, including working with children.

Need help? Call us on 0114 698 10 60 to confidentially discuss your situation or email us at


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Get £500 towards family mediation